
Why Being a Single Male Is Definitely The Way To Go...

Who needs girls…isn’t it just unreal to be a single guy in the 21st Century…..what’s that I hear you say? Yes, I'm being serious… and here’s why!

1. Your all round pulling game improves....


When you're single, having the ability to pick up any girl is a god given talent which is naturally suppressed in a relationship. It's also a well-known fact that literature helping females seduce men surpasses that of literature available to us men. So if it naturally comes to's criminal to not use it

2. Because of This Quote...

“People want to be led astray, they yearn to be seduced. If they didn’t, seducers would not find so many willing victims. Get rid of any moralising tendencies, adopt the seducer’s playful philosophy, and you will find the rest of the process easy and natural.” – Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction. Yet again, unachievable in a relationship.


3. Because sometimes, it's just much better fun with you mates.

You no longer have to choose between the two, not that you ever had to in the first place, you were made. Girls hate Sports (especially soccer and not so much rugby for some reason), guys hate shoes and gossip and all that jazz, (yes all sweeping generalisations but for the sake of this article I'm using personal experience). No, we don't hate you or prefer spending time with our mates, it's just impossible to sit down and enjoy a Liverpool, Man United or Arsenal game when you constantly moan about how often they play. Yes, it's at least once a week, twice if they're in Europe or a cup competition and a shit load around the Christmas holidays. In my opinion, it balances out with the amount of soaps we have to listen to and general gossip that we couldn't care less about. What's a TOWIE?


4. You learn to appreciate yourself.


Growing up can be tough as we all know that kids are generally unforgiving. So, by the time we get to the age where a girlfriend is a possibility some of us rush head first into it without thinking...... STOP. Think twice.... Whats the point in being in a relationship where everything is going to be your fault, it's nearly exactly, kind of the same as schoolyard bullying when you think about it. Character building my arse, you're better off exploring your place in the world....alone!

5. Because being a slut, really isn't a bad thing.


Society paints a different picture, but why should we care. Divorce figures suggest that maybe being with one person for the rest of your life isn't really as great as our ancestors first thought. Times have changed, so why not enjoy your freedom. Chances are you'll thank me for it later.

6. You can do what you want...whenever you want to. Yay...

7. Your chat up lines improve..


8. You can constantly evolve and expand your comfort zone.

9. Date? Date, Tinder, POF, etc have the freedom to do as you chose.



10. You can openly fart as much as you want...Relief!

11. Guilt free nights out

Not having your night out ruined, when she reaches psychotic levels of jealousy because she caught you talking to your female cousin..


12.  You can focus on important things. Your career, some goals and developing new skills.

13. Keeping your room as tidy as you want....or doing what you want with it

14. You get the whole bed....not just the edge..

15. Not having to constantly pay for dinner. "Our money is our own, but you pay for dinner and drinks and cabs and buy me presents and blah blah blah..." sound familiar?


CollegeTimes Staff
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