Us women are odd and mythical creatures. We can lie about certain things and our female intuition can tell us most of the time when others are lying. Certain fibs we may tell are blatantly not true. And, it is visibly obvious when we are lying. All the men out there brace yourselves as I present to you The Things Women Lie About.
1) Height
I don't really know what the purpose is here but women will say they are taller or shorter than they actually are. Maybe it is to do with their BMI? Or, they want to be as tall as a supermodel? Who knows. But, we guarantee people think it is weird.
2) Weight
Girls lie about their weight. On average my guess would be by a stone. A stone lighter for obvious reasons or a stone heavier for those who think they are too thin. Either way, people can see us and they can probably guess when we are lying.
3) Their Number
I don't think I need to explain this one. Some girls would never lie. Others will cut their number in half. If you live somewhere small you can find out pretty easily.
4) Where They Are
Whether we are in on the opposite side of the world or not we won't be where you are for quite some time. Some of us will always be late no matter what. It is just the way I am afraid.
5) If They Are Angry
We like men and other women to know when they have failed us. And, we will not make it easy. If we say we are not mad, 55% of the time we are. I don't know why we aren't straight with you but some of us are just like this.
6) "I'll Just Have The One"
"Sure we will just go out for the one drink and be home early". This never happens. There is no such thing, as just one drink.
7) "I'm on my way"
"I'll be there in 5 minutes" means I'm only getting up now and getting into the shower. Do not believe any women when they say this.
8) "I really don't mind what you do"
Again, with the mind reading. We do mind and that's all about it. Some women feel they need to grant their partner permission. Others don't care. It is a strange complex world we live in.
9) Sports Fan
Some girls out there will lie about just how much they like sports. This isn't as common but it does happen. Queue the most awkward hour of your life shouting in a high pitched voice with your boyfriend and his family. You should have just told him the truth and saved yourself the embarrassment.
10) "They're just a friend"
That person she works with that she texts non-stop, or flirts with excessively, you might need to worry about. Even if the other party claims they have a girlfriend they might not. Watch this one as the minute you mess up he will swoop in and be her knight in shiny army.
11) Age
I don't why but women feel it is necessary to lie but the older you get the younger you will say you are. Some people will even hide their age from their children. Passport's will be hidden for dear life.
12) Cup Size
Some will say they are bigger or smaller. But, some wouldn't lie at all. It really depends. Remember some people can wear two bras and some people will put chicken fillets in them. So, be warned.
13) Gossiping
Some girls might say they never bitch and gossip. Every girl bitches and gossips. That is all.
14) Food
Some might say they don't eat much when they don't stop eating. Others will say they eat loads when they don't. A lot can be honest too. Moral of the story, nobody cares.