Life 101

Signs You Have A Two Day Hangover

God be with the days when we all could successfully go out and get completely trashed and the next day a bottle of Lucozade and a chicken fillet roll would be the end to the mild or not so mild hangover you would be experiencing. Yes your feet would possibly hurt and the splitting headache would be the reminder that tequila shots after a shoulder of vodka were probably not your brightest idea, but, generally, once you got through the morning you were pretty okay maybe even left considering topping up last nights tan and ringing in round two with style.

Take the whole first semester of first year for example. Recently, however, the days of Lucozade fixing all the aches, pains and emotional stress that the latest session has brought upon me has not worked and the idea of even going for 'the cure' seems laughable never mind another night out.

The morning after the night before is only the beginning of the pain that will follow and last up, until or after the forty-eight-hour mark. The fear and all that comes with a hangover now has a long lasting effect. The two-day hangover is now the penance that is at the end of every vodka bottle and sambuca shot. Here are some of the signs that you could be spending two days in hangover city and why the second day can be even worse than the first.

Your Hangover Becomes Progressively Worse

Picture this, you wake up with a headache and a diet coke craving. Thinking about it you realise you have felt a whole lot worse in the past, however, the joy of the two-day hangover is that it is downhill from the minute you wake up.

Day 2 is Worse Than Day 1..


Because the first day is spent sobering up, the second morning is when the real hangover sets in. Monday morning and you should be ready to face the week right? You should not be feeling like you went out last night. Did you go out last night? No. That was Saturday. It is now Monday and you are looking like this and feeling much worse. Those Jager Bombs make absolutely no sense now.

Check In With Your Phone/Worse Enemy

Due to the fact that you spent your first day in hangover city, you generally failed at functioning and obviously could not realize the full amount of damage that was caused to your life with your phone during your night out. You casually reach for the phone. Your World Implodes. Your messages are an incoherent failed attempt at contacting people you were out with and letting your contact list know you really loooooove them sooo much/hate them.

Then you see your recently called list... Inwardly cringing you are left rocking back in forth in your bed asking yourself why? Why did you ring him 11 times? The drunk version of yourself obviously enjoys ruining your life that's why...

Netflix Says No

Yes it is Monday and yes everyone else has seemed to move on from the recent night out but you feel like taking a productive approach in your life today seems like an unrealistic dream. Facebook seems like a step too far right now so you are embracing hibernation and are wrapped in your duvet letting Netflix soothe the emotional and physical pain.


You Spend Days Questioning Life

As the second day of hell continues you are spending more time in the Fear state of mind. You are tired and feel pretty sh*t. In that mindset, all the decisions of the night are questioned. From shifting your ex once again, or the hazy memory of you having to stop the taxi to throw up everywhere, the memories from your night debauchery come flooding back. You briefly consider emigrating or maybe changing your name.

You Experience a Hatred For People in General

From that girl that tagged you in that god awful picture on Facebook, to the 'friend who bought the round of shots, to the lecturer emailing reminding you all about that essay that is due, everyone is your enemy. You are in an emotionally unstable place and believe that everyone is out to ruin your life and you cannot figure out why dealing with other human beings is such an infuriating experience. The side effect of the two-day hangover? Irritability or in my case full blown rage at life in general.

The Pause Button Has Been Pressed On Your Life

By the time you have managed to pull yourself out of the cloud of meh you have been experiencing you realize that it is already Wednesday and you have lost a considerable amount of time doing nothing but avoiding your life. Less than eight hours of fun lead to a whole 48 hours of pain. It is high to time to rejoin society and deal with the idea that the weekend is on the horizon...

CollegeTimes Staff
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