
7 Things That Prove She's Girlfriend Material...

So you've been casually dating/banging a girl. Good for you! But do you really want to take it to the next stage and make it official?
Listen up girls because this is what most guys look for in a potential girlfriend!


A sense of humour

Essential. If you can't laugh together the relationship will never take off. If she has the sense of humour of a wheelbarrow, things will get stale almost immediately.


She's cool with you playing video games


If you spend a lot of time playing games this one really matters. If you're locked into a Call of Duty session you don't want to be harassed by a pissed off girlfriend. It's stressful enough listening to 13 year-olds telling you they'll systematically fuck every member of your family. So add piercing looks from across the room and it's all a bit much. If she's cool she'll know it makes you happy so she won't give you a rough time.


She isn't afraid to be herself

If she wakes up before you to re-apply her makeup then ditch that bitch!


If she feels the need to always be dressed/dolled up around you she's shielding herself from you. Her guard is up and she isn't happy being herself in your company. Not girlfriend material.


She respects boundaries

When you're in a new relationship you're going to be spending a lot of time together. That being said, when you want to go out with the lads she has to be cool with it. If she frequently tries to get you to ditch your friends to be with her you may need to reconsider her as a potential girlfriend.

Also, not being able to get away from her for some alone time is a serious negative!



She likes your friends

Your friends are a major part of your life and were around long before she was. Yes, you like her and enjoy her company but if she doesn't get along with your friends then you're gonna have a bad time! If she makes you choose who to hang out with then she isn't girlfriend material. Plus you'll have to listen to her telling you how immature and rude they are on a regular basis and nobody has time for that!


She isn't stingy


O.K it's kind of expected that the guy will pay for the first date and the majority of dates thereafter. But this is the 21st century ladies, and if men must listen to you harp on about inequality then you should take Barry White's velvet smooth advice and practice what you preach. Chip in and don't expect to be a kept woman!


She trusts you

If she asks you "Who's that?" every time you get a text or take a call she could just be insecure. If she checks your phone and Facebook messages then she doesn't trust you and is checking up on you. Personally I think girls like this want to see what you might be hiding because they often have something to hide themselves. It's a total cliche but if you don't have trust you don't have much. If you don't trust her then save yourself the hassle; a relationship won't work out well.

Jack Cahill
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Jack is a recent UCD English & Film graduate. He has an uncanny ability to disappear for weeks at a time in order to embrace the introvert within. Between writing,watching films and cursing like a drunk sailor he lives life to the fullest by doing nothing that could be considered interesting in almost any capacity whatsoever.
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