
Things That Suck About Being The Third Wheel...

Being the third wheel will always suck. Three is definitely a crowd. There is nothing more awkward than hanging out with your friend and their partner, especially if you don't know them very well. You will definitely relate to these  if you're always the third wheel in your friend group...it's the worst.

1) Your Friends Are Never Free

They always fill up their free time with their boy/girlfriend. You can't really blame them for it, but you wish they would make you a priority as well. You were together first, just in a friend way. Your relationship needs to be managed too.

2) Making Plans

You get so excited when you do make plans with your friends, but then they drop the bomb an hour before you meet that their boo is coming as well. You have been looking forward to seeing your friend for ages so you grin and bear it. It's not that you don't like their boy/girlfriend, it's just that you wanted to hang out with your friend.

3) Awkward Thoughts


You can't stop thinking that you're cock-blocking. They obviously like each other but now you're here so they are too awkward to make out or head back to the dorm. You don't want to make the situation more awkward by announcing that you are the third wheel, so it goes unsaid with neither of you calling it what it is: awkward.

4) Your Friends Are Boring

They will not stop talking about their girl/boyfriend even when they're not around. When they are together all they talk about is that place they went to and that thing they did, that you should totally try sometime! Yeah, thanks, whatever. Can we talk about something that will interest all three of us? Did anyone see New Girl last night?

5) Your Friends Are Gross

After a few drinks, they start getting a bit touchy feely then escalate to full on tonsil hockey while you're sitting right next to them. Time for another drink or three. You're going to need it to get through an evening of this.


6) Inside Jokes

Do couples forget that not everyone else in the world is watching their relationship like a reality TV show? We weren't there, we don't get the joke. The third wheel will just feel like a loser and left out. Especially when it takes five minutes to explain the stupid inside joke, which ends up being nowhere near as funny as it was promised.

7) You're Single, Not Dying

You don't need to be 'saved' from yourself, you don't need to be reassured that you won't die alone. Why can't I be single and happy? You're perfectly capable of finding your own dating prospects. You don't need your friend to keep asking if they can set you up every five seconds. If they are trying to get rid of you, or don't want you here, they should have cancelled. Sitting home alone sounds like heaven compared to this awkward hell of a situation.

8) You Hater You


They annoy the crap out of you because they love each other and they are so fucking adorable, but you know you should be happy for them and you're probably just feeling left out. Possibly jealous, but let's not go that far.

9) Your Mother Knows

She knows what you're doing all the time because she knows you're not getting any and hanging out with your friend and their boy/girlfriend. So much that they ask about the boy/girlfriend when they ask about your friends. You know it's bad when you mother worries that you're the constant third wheel.

10) Texting Anyone Else

Even your ex and that creepy guy on Tinder. Anyone to make you feel better about yourself and to pass the time between their make out sessions until it's a socially acceptable time to leave. Maybe you should go try and hit it off with that person by the bar. Your friend won't mind, right?

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Orlaith Costello
Article written by
Orlaith is a Creative Writing graduate from NUI Galway. Hailing from the low lying fields of Athenry, or at least what’s left of the low lying fields. She enjoys the internet as a means of living vicariously through others from the safe confines of her own bed. She will initiate a dance off after at least two drinks on any given night out.
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