Life 101

13 Struggles That Every Laid Back Person Has To Deal With

Some people just seem to coast through life without a breeze and are too laid back for their own good. They don't worry much about things and just let shit happen. There are some downsides to that because things don't always end up going the way you had planned. Here are the struggles every laid back person has to deal with:

13) People think you're lazy

There is a fine line between being laid back and being lazy if you're laid back you just don't stress about things as much. You still get things done, but you have your own way of doing things. If you're lazy, you struggle to get things done and will try everything you can to avoid doing what you have to.

12) You wish you could care about drama

When someone tells you a secret about someone you don't really react, you just say "whatever". You don't even act surprised. Most of the time you couldn't care about who did what and where. For once you would actually wish you could care about it, but you're just not concerned about that kind of thing.

11) You are always the last one to get ready

If you're going out with your friends, you're always the last one to get ready. You wait until the last minute to get out of your sweatpants and into your proper clothes. A lot of the time you rush to get ready and end up being late when you could have easily been on time.


10) People think you're a pushover

If you're laid back it doesn't mean you're a pushover, you can still have strong beliefs and values. You might not stress about it a lot, but if someone tries to challenge you and what you stand for you won't back down.

 9) You shy away from confrontation

You might not be a pushover, but you do your best to stay away from confrontation. You might get mad and then realise that it's not worth it and just leave it, while others might actually go through with it.

8) High energy people freak you out

You don't get people who are super hyper and you just wish they would chill for a minute. They have so much energy and you don't really know how to deal with them. They start to give you a headache any time they are around.


7) You're  actually worried that you don't stress out enough

You're so laid back that it's gotten to the point where you worried that you don't stress out when things happen. Nothing phases you and no matter what happens, you never get stressed. You think there is something wrong with you because you never stress out when things go sour.

6) You know you could give more effort, but you decide not to

At best you give at 70% the rest of the time it's just over 50%. You know that if you applied yourself that you could actually do a better job, but slacking has become such a routine that you don't know any other way.

5) Your greatest struggle is getting up in the morning

You wake up at the right time and all, but for some reason, you just lie there and your mind wanders. Next thing you knows 20 minutes have past and you still need to have a shower and get dressed. It really takes every fiber of your being to get out of bed and wash.


4) You're so laid back, that people think that you're always stoned

You might light a j every now and then, but you're not always baked. They see you stoned once and they get the idea that you're a huge pothead. You will always be known as the one who smokes weed in your friend group, that's for sure.

3) You find it hard to get motivated

So you come to the point where you need to start going to the gym or learning to drive. You keep putting it off and will make any excuse not to do it. You just accept how things are, you don't worry so much about the consequences.

2) Some people don't really understand your point of view

For those that are a bit too high strung and high maintenance, they don't understand where you're coming from. They're too "busy" to get to know you so they make judgments about you before they even know your name.

1) You're surprised when things don't turn out the way you thought they would

You're laid back and just go with the flow and have a sort of whatever ever happens, happens mentality. You think everything will turn out ok in the end and then when it doesn't your surprised by it. You wonder why the thing that you put the least effort into didn't go your way. It brings your whole way of thinking and outlook on life into question.

CollegeTimes Staff
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