
They Nearly Cast WHO??

We hear every now and again about actors who were almost cast in certain roles, but because of other commitments or suitability issues it just didn't quite work out. Will Smith passing on the role of Neo in The Matrix or John Travolta on Forrest Gump are high profile casualties that spring to mind in this regard. The list certainly isn't exhaustive and here are some peaches we are currently aware of...

Brad Pitt - The Mistaken Identity

Before Matt Damon was a roof-top jumping, bad guy-punching action star, Brad Pitt was the first choice to play Jason Bourne, but turned it down to star opposite Robert Redford in Spy Game. Pitt is arguably one of the finest actors of his generation, but Matt Damon’s muscular, yet vulnerable performance meant he made Jason Bourne his own. Plus, it’s questionable whether Pitt would have committed to two more movies.

Johnny Depp - Logan Adamantium Hands

In what would have probably been the biggest WTF casting in history, Johnny Depp turned down the role of beardy-badass Wolverine, with the gig going to Hugh Jackman instead. Although it might be difficult to imagine Depp bulking up and getting moody for Wolverine, it’s worth remembering that Jackman was known more for his jazz hands than his fighting skills before he landed the part.

Tom Selleck - Indiana Jones and the Last Soup Strainer

It’s hard to believe that one of the most iconic characters in movie history was almost played by that dude from Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck was offered the role of the adventuring archaeologist after impressing in a screen test, but had to turn down the role due to a recently signed contract with Universal and his commitment to Magnum. It’s a decision that Selleck admitted has haunted him ever since, and the real kicker? Due to a writers strike in 1981 he would have actually have had plenty of time to film Raiders of the Lost Ark. As it turned out, Harrison Ford found fortune, glory and Tom Selleck found 3 Men and a Baby.

Schindler’s Missed (Opportunity)

Harrison Ford is involved again, only this time it’s for a role he turned down. Spielberg had worked with Ford previously on the Indiana Jones trilogy and offered him the role of Oskar Schindler. Ford declined the part, suggesting that people would be unable to look past his starring presence at the importance of the film’s subject matter. The gig went to Liam Neeson instead who delivered an Oscar-nominated performance, which set him on the path to Hollywood royalty and to eventually becoming a born-again action hero.

The Amazing Joker

The late, great Aussie actor was the first choice to play Spider-Man in Sam Raimi‘s smash-hit superhero movie, but Ledger declined the role of Peter Parker because he thought he would be “taking away someone else’s dream.” Tobey Maguire landed the web-slinging gig instead and although we have no doubt that the incredibly talented Ledger would have killed it as Spider-Man, if he’d taken the role we would have never gotten his Oscar-winning performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight.

The Architect of the Rings

If at first you don’t succeed, give in and star in an absolute turkey instead. This is motto that has been said by nobody ever, but it could definitely be used to describe a couple of Connery’s past film choices. The legendary British actor turned down the role of Gandalf in Peter Jackson‘s Lord of the Rings because he didn’t understand the script. Connery was reportedly offered a 15% stake in the film franchise, meaning he lost out on nearly $450 million. Ouch. It gets worse though. So much worse. Connery also admitted that he turned down the chance to get all existential for the role of the Architect in Matrix Reloaded because he again didn’t understand the script. After it too smashed the box office to gold-plated pieces, Connery decided enough was enough and filled with regret and self-loathing (probably) he signed up for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, thus rounding off the worst career choices since Adolf Hitler decided there was no future in painting pictures.


[via movie pilot]

Colin O'Dwyer
Article written by
Media graduate, music nut, musician and connoisseur of the skinny jean. Would've made a better Batman than Affleck!!

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