
Assignments, Placements And Dissertations: How To Survive Your Final Year In College

Your final year in college is no picnic. Let's face it, it's the only year that you actually need to knuckle down and do a bit of work. College assignments rapidly building up on top of one another, and a momentous dissertation looming over your head! Don't panic; here's a great guide on how to survive your final year in college.

1. Put Your Best Foot Forward.

Every September we have the 'New Year’s resolution' moment of the college year. “I’m going to be SO organised this year”, “look at my wonderful filing system” and “I’m definitely not going out tonight” are just some of the over-ambitious utterances we feed each other in those first few weeks. But by Halloween, the resolve is waning; the sheets start to pile up and you start to “forget” about that lecture you had scheduled on Friday afternoon. It does happen to everyone, but if you’re ever going to need some organisation and order in your life, it’s in your final year of college. Try to take notes in your lectures, keep your files filed and stay on top of those deadlines - it will stand to you come exam time!

2. Keep Up With Your College Buds.

For a lot of us, final year is the busiest year we’ll have in our degree. There are extra assignments, dissertations, and placements on top of that. Rather than revelling in your last moments together as a class, you can find yourself drifting away from college friends because you’re just so busy. Try your utmost NOT to let this happen. The guys and gals in your course are the only other people in your life that know exactly what you’re going through, and will moan and groan about lecturers and modules with you until the cows come home! It may require a bit of extra effort to meet up with them outside of class times, but remember that these people will be invaluable to you throughout the year. Just shoot them a quick catch-up text, send a silly Snapchat or meet up for a sneaky coffee - you’ll be amazed at how easy it’ll be to stay in touch.



3. Get That Head Down!

This may be needless to say, but it’s the final countdown people! If you feel that you’ve been slacking off over the last while, it's never too late! Throw everything you have at it this year and you will be amazed by your results! And if you’ve been giving it 100% since day one, don’t let up now. The end is in sight, the light at the end of that tunnel is getting brighter, and the year is going to fly by. Just keep picturing that moment when you’re clutching that elusive piece of paper in your greedy mitts and chucking your cap into the air with all your classmates.

4. Take Some Time For Yourself.

Make sure to take care of both your mind and body this year. Whatever you need to do to wind down, do it! Don’t beat yourself up for taking a night off from the books to go to the cinema, or taking an hour long break for just one cup of coffee, or even squishing in an episode of Big Bang before you get to that assignment (surely watching a show about smart people will rub off, right?). Remember to get a bit of exercise in when you can. Even going for a short walk will make you feel refreshed and energised. It is also really tempting to binge on fast/junk food while laden down with work, but don’t overdo it. The occasional choccy bar or never-ending bag of Doritos is a must, but try and make some clever substitutions to your snacks to include fruit, veg, nuts etc. My not-so-guilty pleasure snack is salty crackers with hummus, nom!


5. Learn The Value Of A Good Night In.

No one is going to argue with the fact that in final year, social life takes a back seat. It sucks! Obviously you’re going to still go out and have the craic every now and then, but the days of counting how many nights you DIDN’T go out in the week rather than the nights you did, are well and truly over. Ah, to be a first year again, eh? But who is to say that staying in and getting up for that nine o’ clock lecture in the morning has to be misery? Cue the infamous “girl’s night in." A few good movies, more than a few bottles of white wine and some cheeky treats (see above for precautions) can lead to some hilarious stories, deep and meaningful conversations and a really great night. Staying in means you won’t go overboard on the alcoholic beverages, you’ll get more sleep than on a club night, AND you don’t have to spend forever getting dolled up! Win win!

6. DO NOT Panic!

Most importantly, don’t let the pressures and stresses of final year get to you. Everything you have done/learned/worked toward in college over the last two or three years is not going to disappear from your memory. Trust in yourself and your abilities. This is the time when a lot of the theory you have gleaned from books and journals actually falls into place and starts to make sense in your head. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have survived this far. One more year? Piece of cake!

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Jen McCarthy
Article written by
Self professed nerd and bookworm, whose Mom thinks she's cool. An old hat in the college scene, but new contributor to College Times. Regularly mistakes her life for a musical and has difficulty not singing aloud while her headphones are on. Coldplay fan, caffeine addict, movie buff, and annoyingly chirpy morning person who can't wait to see the world!

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