
10 Steps To Becoming Insta-Famous

The age of internet and smart-phones has ensured that there are about a million ways you can become famous; Youtube famous, Snapchat famous and, of course, Instafamous. Instafame, for all of its perceived simplicity, is not for the weak of heart, it requires dedication, spunk and a lot of time and effort. Luckily for us, you don't need to be a Kardashian or a Jenner to achieve Instafame--you just need to follow a few simple steps.

1. Pick A Good Handle

Having a catchy Instagram username is the foundation of a strong account. Your name should be unique and easy to recognize - not filled with a jumble of letters, numbers and underscores. When in doubt, use your first and last name together and, if they're already taken, add a simple period between them or a phrase like "its." ex: 'itsnaomiparker'

2. Serve Up Fresh Edits

It may seem like common sense, but one of the best ways to garner attention on a site like Instagram is to take really good pictures. Luckily, you don't have to be a master photographer or own a fancy camera to do this. What you do need is a decent camera (Android or iPhone cameras are both brilliant) and a high-quality photo-editing app. The filters provided by Instagram are all fine and jolly, but everyone uses them. To make your pictures stand out, download an app like Picsplay or VSCO--you'll have more options and more editing control.


3. Link Up Your Social Media

To become truly Instafamous, you need to collect a band of loyal followers. The best way to get started is to link up all of your social media--Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. through an app like Foursquare. This will allow Instagram to provide you with the related profiles of people you actually know, which is a great way to build your follower base.

4. Engage With Your Followers

Once you start acquiring followers, make sure to show interest in their pages. If someone comments on a photo of yours, comment back! This becomes even more important as your follower base grows. The more popular you become, the more people will enjoy engaging with you.

5. Post Consistently But Don't Go Overboard


It can be tricky to know how often to post without a) becoming irrelevant, or b) spamming people's Insta-feed with pictures. Try to post a few times a week (three tops) and never within the same day. This will keep your page fresh, organized and interesting without shoving content down people's throats.



6. Use Broad Hashtags

Admittedly, it can be really difficult to build a strong follower base and people tend to hit a wall around the 400-800 followers mark. An easy way to make sure that more people are seeing and sharing your page is to use broad, searchable Hashtags such as #instalove #fromwhereIstand #instagood, and #myself. This way, people who are looking through recognizable tags are more likely to come across your page, like, comment and follow.


7. Make It To The Popular Page

It's hard to do, but once you get around 2k followers, Instagram is likely to feature your account on the popular page. Thousands of people check this page every day and, once you're featured, your follower base will grow exponentially. Making the popular page will also draw the attention of other Instafamous users, who are then likely to follow you and transfer some of their following to your account.

8. Watch Your Stats

Once your account is receiving a good amount of engagement and has a healthy following, download an app like Statigram to keep track of your page's analytics. This app will allow you to see which of your photos get the most page-views and shares, track which times of the day your account garners the most engagement and locate where in the world the majority of your followers come from. This information will help you post pictures that receive the most thematic attention and know what time of day your pictures are likely to receive the most likes and comments.


9. Promote Others

Once you break into the world of Instafame, you're going to turn heads in the Insta community. This means that other Instafamous accounts will be promoting you through Hashtags and shout-outs--and they'll want you to do the same. The best way you can go about this is to find some accounts which are similar to yours in style and content and mention them in your posts. ex: "Had a fab breakfast in Paris! My dog is almost as cute as @rachel.true's

10. Make It Personal

The best way to ensure that your Instafame lasts is to tell a story. When people follow your account consistently, they become invested in your life, your adventures and who you are. Make sure that your photos aren't a string of disconnected posts, but rather a fluid representation of your experience. People love stories, so tell a good one!




Video: People Come Clean About Their 'Perfect' Instagram Moments



Credit: BuzzFeedYellow

Emily Yaremchuk

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