
"I Hate Everybody": How Being A Waitress Is Different In Real Life Than It Is On Tv

Waitressing is probably the most common job for college students and is also portrayed a lot on TV but if you actually spend any time working as a waitress you begin to see TV's version is unfortunately far from realistic.

1. People asking stupid questions and giving  you stupid answers

Instead of serving handsome actors like on TV, instead you are serving real people, real people are stupid. Simple enough question : Would you like tea or coffee? ''yes'' the silence that follows is agonizing so you've to ask again "tea or coffee?" oh yeah sorry tea. Getting this 20000 times a day is not fun.


2. When they start arguments with you with things out of your control. 


Telling the customer that we only accept card for orders over five euro and suddenly World War 3 breaks out.


3. When people make paying the bill awkward

By telling you at the last minute they want to split the bill half with one side of the table and three quarters with the other side and Richard is paying by cash and the rest by card


4. Then theres the people with the strange food orders that make the chef want to strangle you. 

Gordon Ramsay's anger may look entertaining on TV but not when you're on the receiving end of it.

5. Its actually very tiring 

You are literally standing all day and those trays with food are actually pretty heavy


6. Rachel green may make waitressing look glamorous

reality is you've to wear a uniform not a stylish outfit and your hair has to be tied back. Guess there was no Health and Saftey regulations in Central Perk

7. People are bad tippers.

American movies make customers seem very generous...they're really not.


8. Waitresses smiling all the time isn't because we love our job so much. 

Its because we have to so don't be fooled we're really dying inside.

jodie Brady

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