
How Best To Utilize Your Time When Stoned

Getting as ‘High as F’, when you should be in class is one of the most enjoyable parts of not going to college. There are few things sweeter than chilling out all day, rolling up and getting as high as a mother fucker (when you should be in class). The only problem is we seem to hit that lazy slump, pig out on junk food, lose our drive and effectively do nothing that is remotely productive. The following will guide you on how best to utilize your time under the influence of sweet Mary Jane....

Leave your comfort zone.

Fight the urge to become complacent and laze about your normal stoner surroundings. Go for a walk, explore and appreciate the great outdoors whilst you're as high as a kite. As smoking marijuana affects your mood and enhances most of your sensations, an adventure outside of your stoner cave will become not only a humorous experience, but also a challenging one. Your mind will be racing and paranoia usually sets in but fear not, as all is ok and the effects of this magical green herb will slowly wear off, that is until you roll up once again, of course.

Make sure you're stocked up on munchies.

The majority of the time we tend to pig out on snacks, chocolate, cakes and deserts and let’s face it, they taste damn good, but if you would like to escape the following mornings dreaded guilt trip and avoid the old ‘moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips’ scenario, why don’t you have some tasty healthy food prepared in advance? Prepare your munchies before you start to smoke, then once you start to chase the green dragon, you can chow down on some fine ass food which doesn’t come with a stomach ache. Win win.

Alternatively, wait until you're stoned to commence cooking.

Cook, dance, sing along to music and have fun in the kitchen. Preparing food whilst under the influence of the 'Ganja bae’ is one of most challenging and fun tasks you will probably come across in your college days. Don’t worry about trying to impress Gordon Ramsey, all you want to do is rustle up some nice wholesome food whilst you dance around and experiment with the ingredients you have on offer.

Spend your time wisely.

There is no bigger waste of time being stoned than when you are so 'monged' (result of several hours of smoking, characterised by inability to move from the sofa) out of your brain that all you can do is sit there and twiddle your thumbs. In order to avoid this dreaded silence, why not set up a playlist of all your favourite songs beforehand? Then, once you begin to skin up, hit the play button and let the good times roll. The overall consensus is that when you're stoned, listening to music can further add to your relaxed state. The music sounds better, you can hear the sounds more clearly and vividly, so choose your songs carefully hombre.

A friend with weed is a friend indeed.

Smoking alone is only fun up until a certain point. If you’re lucky enough to have friends over, make sure to have plenty of smoking friendly activities lined up. Bear in mind, anything that involves too much thinking can fuck right off as it won’t happen. A simple deck of cards opens up the options to a few card games, along with this, stop the bus, cups and traffic lights are all classics which only result in more laughter.

Have sex stoned.

In addition to this, if you are lucky enough to have someone in your life that enjoys smoking weed and having sex with you, well then why not combine them both? Having sex when you're stoned is quite the experience, as marijuana is said to have the effect of raising your mood and sense of arousal. Those who have sex when they are high, report that they feel closer to each other and it greatly enhances both partners sexual satisfaction levels to even higher highs.

Health Trip.

Our last tip would be to try and think of your health. We all know by now that smoking is seriously bad for you. So why not cut out the tobacco and opt for a bowl or bong to smoke your weed in? If you insist on smoking a joint, you can easily pick up herbal tobacco, ensuring you retain the same feeling of smoking a joint without all of the harmful effects which come with tobacco. Or if you really want to be a true stoner, roll up 7 grams in your blunt- ain’t got no time for tobacco.

Happy Smoking!

Article written by
The Col Leary. Loved by all, Man of the people, Say Cheese! Twitter- @cheeseyEasy

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