
Socialites, Mature Students, Hipsters, And The Rest: People You're Guaranteed To Meet In College

Going to college is a huge milestone in every student's life, and your door is suddenly opened up various different milieus of people of all attitudes, ages and ambitions. From the mature student, to the hipster and the stoner, you're bound to stumble across all of these people at college.

1. The Overly-Enthusiastic Classmate.

These people stand out immediately. Text books are bought, highlighted and have colour-coded page markers before a reading list is even assigned. They may possibly look down on you because you haven't read every available scrap of information about your new course online. All work will be submitted early and will most likely be unnecessarily long. They're difficult to like at times, but be nice; they're just keen to learn.

2. The socialite.

There'll be lots of these people, who will eventually form a class clique. Expect lots of overly friendly people introducing themselves and asking you (with feigned interest) where you're from on the first day. It's good to have friends in your class so try to match their enthusiasm; you'll be glad of friends when coursework is due and the nights out can be fun. Be wary of people who aren't really interested in making friends but just fancy making a few contacts for post-graduation life.

3. The Mature Student.

It's becoming more and more commonplace for older students to be spotted around campus, and whatever course you're in, it's more than likely going to have a few students who qualify as "mature." They'll usually sit at the front of lecture theatres and ask too many questions which have obvious answers, and annoy the lecturer. They seem to take the course more seriously than your average student - for them, college life is all about learning. Expect to be looked down on... a lot!

4. The "How Did I End Up Here" Student.

Most likely, this will be a guy. Usually slouched at the back of the class, 15 minutes late for lectures, hungover and not having a pen. His name will raise a smirk from the rest of the class when it's called on the roll. They'll have little interest in socialising with their classmates. You won't see him much throughout the year, in class or in the library. This person will likely surprise everyone when they absurdly get a first in their degree.

5. The Stoner.

You're not going to meet this guy in class, or at least, in more than one class. Most people will encounter weed at some point during their time at college, but these are the guys who get hooked. Usually an intelligent sort who's just grown too fond of sweet Mary Jane. Exam repeats are almost inevitable but they'll drag themselves kicking and screaming, to the end of a degree smelling like roses... Well, something like that.

6. The Hipster.

No college campus would be complete without a scattering (or even flood) of hipsters. Wooly hats, vintage clothing, and terrible beards will be ever present; music must be unheard of and recorded in a Peruvian bathroom. If you're into that kind of thing and like your world to be #rustic, then you'll fit right in. If you're not, simply avoid independent art galleries, movies and of course, vintage clothing shops. Anywhere that specialises in craft beer is also likely to be riddled with hipness, because Heineken is FAR too mainstream...

7. The Jock.

Almost every college has a football team of some description, and that's where these guys fit in. Academics are an irritating distraction from the real purpose of college, which is of course, sport. Most of these guys will most likely study (or to be more realistic, are enrolled in) sports related degrees, making their approach understandable. This, however, doesn't mean that they'll live like monks - expect them to go out just as much, if not more, than everyone else. They'll rarely be seen in anything other than a football jersey or tracksuit, in case anyone doesn't realise that they're into sport.

8. The Womaniser.

This is virtually every guy in some capacity, but you'll encounter those who take it to new levels. The final year students who attend the freshers' nights, just to take advantage of the fresh meat. They'll be vigorously ridiculed by everyone for their shameless pursuit of everything female, but this will just spur them on. Terrible chat up lines incorporating new levels of cheesiness will be used with inexplicably positive results. They'll be the ones who win the Ketchup Award (goes with everything) at the class formal.

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Connor O'Hanlon
Article written by
I'm a 21 year old student, dreading losing both elements of that title in the coming future. Football, music, travelling and socialising keep me sane. Recommended by 4 out of 5 people that recommend things; a Mexican, not a Mexican't.

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