Life 101

Tell-Tale Signs That A Boyfriend Is Whipped

All guys have at least one guy who is absolutely whipped and is the butt of the joke among their friends. He used to be funny, cool, and fun to be around, but you see him less and less now as his relationship wears on.

He is a shadow of the man he used to be. He knows it and you know it, but whipped boyfriend refuses to openly admit it.

Here are the tell-tale signs that a boyfriend is totally whipped!

18. He consistently apologises to his girlfriend, even when he is not in the wrong.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." The all-too familiar word that leaves his mouth in the presence of his girlfriend. He used to at least put up a fight, but now he has totally given up. We all know that women are notoriously good for their unmatched ability to win arguments, but whipped boyfriend don't even bother to put up a fight.

17. He always chooses to stay in with his girlfriend rather than hang out with his friends.

He has no time for the lads anymore. His girlfriend comes first all the time. He will choose to stay in with his girlfriend and watch Sleepless in Seattle over playing FIFA with the lads any day.


16. Going for a beer requires permission.

Going out for drinks with his guy friends spells 'trouble' for his other half and it is heavily frowned upon. In order to avoid upsetting her, he will ask for her 'permission' to grab a beer with his friends. If she says no, he will accept her decision after a very brief argument.

15. His girlfriend makes decisions for him.

How did he ever let it get to this point? His freedom seems a distant memory now, and he has given up all his basic human rights. He has no say in his own personal affairs such as holiday destinations, major purchases or weekend plans.

14. He goes home when SHE'S ready.

Whipped boyfriend's mates look on in sheer disgust as he leaves the pub early - after 2 pints because his girlfriend says she's tired. He winks at you pretending he's "getting the ride", but you both know that's not true. He ends up settling for sleeping next to her fully clothed in bed and stone-cold sober at 11pm, while his friends drink and complain about his new ways.


13. HIS friends become replaced with HER friends.

His friends have magically become replaced with her friends. It is no longer acceptable to spend time with his old friends. Whipped boyfriend finds himself hanging around with his girlfriend's friends and they're just awful.

12. His friends don't even bother anymore.

His friends never call or text to see if he wants to hang out because they know what the answer is going to be!

11. He and his girlfriend have melted into one person.

Friends no longer treat him as an individual. It seems like he has been absorbed by his girlfriend, and they are now just one person.


10. He happily purchases her tampons at the pharmacy.

Whipped boyfriend has no shame. He will happily skip down to the pharmacy and buy a family pack of tampons on his own.

9. SHE owns the remote.

His girlfriend dictates what they will be watching on television all the time. Gossip Girl and re-runs of Kourtney And Kim Take Miami it is!

8. Every time you call or text him, his girlfriend is in the room with him.

He is always with her. She hovers around him and his friends can never reach him on his own at any time.


7. His own hobbies and interests have disappeared.

Whipped boyfriend used to play football for a team, be in a band or be an avid gamer. Since his girlfriend arrived on the scene, he has slowly pushed those activities he loved out of his life until he has nothing left. He has only one interest and hobby now - his girlfriend!

6. He lies to his guy friends, pretending that he has other plans when he is really with you know who.

"I can't man, I'm working late tonight." He lies to his friends pretending he has other plans when he is really hanging out with you know who.

5. He does his girlfriend's college assignments.

He offers to do his girlfriend's dirty work and even worse, he does it for no reward.


4. He waits up to give his girlfriend a lift home from town after a night out.

Whipped boyfriend obeys all of his girlfriend's commands, no matter how outlandish they are. He will wait up til 3am for his girlfriend to finish partying with her friends, and then pick them up and drop them home.

3. He does EVERYTHING his girlfriend tells him to do.

She says "jump" and he asks "how high?" He's under the thumb and he knows it. Her wish is his command.

2. He always brings his girlfriend out on guys' nights out.

He agrees to a night out with the lads and everybody looks forward to seeing him as an individual. The doorbell rings and he stands there holding her hand and her drink for the night. Wh-tsh!!

1. He always pulls out.

Whipped boyfriend used to finish inside. Now he is afraid and frightened of his girlfriend's reaction. He pulls out all the time. He never pulls of his grand finale inside anymore, not even for the craic...

Damien Slater
Article written by
Damien is a handsome 20-something recent graduate, with a developing tint of megalomania and unwarranted sense of entitlement. He is a fond lover of happy hour and is a self-proclaimed "expert" in pickup-artistry. With an aptitude for writing and solving algebraic equations, he is currently enjoying life, bouncing from one hot blonde to the next, and hopes to soon achieve the 100th notch on his bedpost.

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