Wine Fridays have just taken on a wholleeeeee new meaning. You can kiss goodbye to your rep as a hard-drinking, red wine advocate my little friend, because the Japanese have one upped us and gone the whole bloody hog.
So you think your 'Caaaa-razy' nights out working sloppily through a bottle of the grape stuff is enough to fuel a weeks worth of stories? *EH EH* Wrong, so wrong. How so? Well a Japanese Spa had the downright ingenious idea of replacing the usual shit like water and seaweed with red wine, coffee, sake and green tea as a sort of quirky take on cleansing your tarnished little soul.
The spa, merely a hop, skip and four flights away from us, in Hakone, Japan, boasts features like a badass 12 foot wine bottle and oh yeah, did I forget to mention the fact that you'll be bathing in a bloody pool full of wine? Sign me up, stat!