
Signs You Are Past The Honeymoon Stage

So, when you first get into a new relationship, or start seeing someone, it's exciting. Exciting, and nerve wrecking. Here are a few signs that you are well and truly over that stage.

1) Bodily Functions

 You both break wind in front of each other and act like nothing happened - this includes farting.

2) Eating.

You will eat anything, and everything, and not give a fuck how unattractive you look. The more food you can fit in your mouth at once, the better.


3) Time Passes.

You can go a day or two without speaking, and it doesn't bother either of ye.

4) Hand Holding

The need to hold hands/have a hand draped around shoulders as ye walk down the street is gone. You may notice that this makes life easier for anyone else wanting to use the footpath.

5) PDA's.


FINALLY ye grow out of the 'must-shift-the-face-off-each-other-in-public' phase. This makes every single pringle on the planet happy, keep up the good work!

6) Sex.

It changes. Not to say it becomes bad or boring, it just lacks spontaneity, and sometimes can be a little too like an army drill. No charm necessary, take your clothes off and await the intercourse.

7) Borrowing clothes.


You don't wear his shirt to be sexy, you wear it because its the first thing you came to when you rolled out of bed.

8) Friends & Family.

You can only pretend to like your other halfs friends for so long. After a while of dating you'll begin to let your true feelings show... He probably knows his mate Dave is an asshole already, you're just reminding him...

9) Your friends start to like you again.

Now that you don't talk about him/herself all of the time, your friends will be much more readily available to spend some time with you. Welcome back!

10) You don't care

You're perfectly comfortable with your other half seeing you without make-up/tan or even when you're ill and looking like crap. This is love people, embrace it!

Sandra Carty
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Currently bumming it, fresh outta college, slowly and reluctantly becoming an adult while trying to decide what to do with the rest of my life. I like drinking and interpretive dance, preferably in that order.
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