Does Your Course Have The Highest Drop Out Rate In Ireland?

We all know someone who's dropped out of their college course, but do you know that your course could have the highest drop out rate in Ireland?
The Irish Times' research shows more than 70% of students drop out of their college courses. That means over 6000 students didn't even get past second year in computer science, construction and business courses.
With that being said, Ireland has one of the highest rates of young bucks heading to college with over 60% attending some form of higher education. So why are they dropping out? The biggest reasons students drop out is down to not having an attachment to education, choosing the wrong course, financial problems, and health difficulties.
However if you're in a University, congrats as they have the lowest drop out rates of around 10%. In contrast, Institute of Technologies have a drop out rate of almost 20%. The highest recording of drop out rates of over 70% include, industrial physics at DIT; computing and games development at IT Sligo; computing with software development at IT Tralee; and computer forensics and security at Waterford IT.
This also coincides with a huge drop in people doing apprenticeships and trades such as carpentry, straight out of school. This is mainly because a lot of people's parents send their kids to college even if they're not suited towards higher education.
Also Read: 24 Famous Irish People That Went To Your College
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