60 More Medicine Places To Be Offered By CAO
Over the past few years, there has been numerous stories of heartbroken leaving certificate students missing out on medicine on their CAO by just a couple of points.
The Irish Examiner are reporting that the number of places in medical schools in Ireland is to be increased from September, with a view to the number of Irish doctors increasing by 2026.
Irish Medical schools will offer an extra 60 places to EU students with a further 120 to be offered in 2023. It is part of a new scheme that was created this week to offer up to 200 new college places by 2026.
Speaking about the breakthrough news, Minster for Further and Higher Education Simon Harris said:
“It marks a significant expansion in the number of places available to students applying through the CAO system.
Harris added that “It increases the opportunities for students to progress to study medicine in Ireland and to help us build our talent pipeline.”
Minster for Health, Stephen Donnelly said that the planning for creation of new health working jobs is a vital step for the country in planning "for the future health workforce.”
11 additional undergraduate places will be created each at NUIG, Trinity, RCSI, UCC, and UCD. A further five places will be on offer in UL.