
All The Things YOU Need To Apply For The Vodafone Graduate Programme

Applications for the Vodafone Graduate Programme are back open!

Your future can be all kinds of amazing, want a hand creating it? Whether you're a STEM head or you lean towards the more commercial side of things, the Vodafone Graduate Programme genuinely is one of the best places where you can kick start your early career!

Before the application process closes, we thought we'd give you an insight into what you need to do to give yourself the best chance of being accepted into the programme.

Here Are All The Things YOU Need To Apply For The Vodafone Graduate Programme

The process all starts with your application form. This allows Vodafone to learn a little bit about you and to gauge your experience levels - this is the easy part! You will be asked to attach your CV, fill in some pre-screening questions and voila, your application journey has begun! One key tip here is to make sure that your CV is up-to-date and in good shape.

Next up in the application process is the online assessment. The online assessment consists of two parts. First up there’s a video interview which is all about seeing if a candidate is the right fit for Vodafone's culture (top hint: do your research on the Vodafone Spirit and Purpose before this stage). Culture is all about the way you work at solving problems, and how, at Vodafone, they're not just interested in what you do, but how you do it. Furthermore, Vodafone really value the type of people that they have on board, so this is the perfect opportunity to show them your amazing personality!

Our top tip for the video interview! It’s useful to structure your answers using the STAR technique:

S - You'll need to explain a little bit about the situation you were in

T - The tasks you were trying to complete

A -The actions you personally took to get to a resolution,

R - The results of your efforts.

The second part of the online assessment is the numerical and logical reasoning assessments. These kinds of assessments are looking at how you solve problems and analyse diverse types of information that you may come across on the job. Don’t worry about getting all the answers perfect. Remember, Vodafone is looking to hire the candidate on their drive, curiosity, and potential – not on experience!

Finally, successful candidates will be invited to the Experience Day, where they will come to the Vodafone Ireland headquarters and learn more about life at Vodafone.

And that, folks, is the Vodafone Graduate Programme application process.

Hopefully you managed to pick up some pointers and are confident enough in your abilities to apply.

For more information on the Vodafone Graduate Programme, click here.

To apply for the Vodafone Graduate Programme, click here.

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