Trinity College Introduces Module To Help Students With 'Hybrid' Learning

Trinity College have introduced a new module which aims to help students adapt to 'hybrid' learning.
'Hybrid' or 'blended' learning will be a mixture of online and personal classes, in order to adapt to a post-COVID landscape.
The new module, called 'Learning to Learn Online in Trinity', can be accessed by all Trinity students through their blackboard portal. The module contains four blocks, all surrounding how to successfully study online.
The first block prepares students for online learning, with the second and third blocks dealing with working collaboratively online and how to build a study routine. The final block provides resources to aid students with exams. A toolkit and reflection section are also provided in the module.
Furthermore, the Student Learning and Development department of Trinity College will also run complimentary workshop sessions.
Update: Reopening plans for our schools have been approved! These plans will ensure that buildings are safe for all staff to access. To see the plans in full, click here:
— Trinity College Dublin (@tcddublin) August 14, 2020
The module was a collaboration of several departments and organisations within Trinity and further afield. It was developed between Academic Practice, Student Learning Development, Trinity Disability Service, the Transition to Trinity Office and the Irish Universities Association Enhancing Digital Capacity Project.
Trinity, along with most third-level institutions in Ireland, will utilise a 'hybrid' or 'blended' model for the upcoming academic year.
Students with underlying medical conditions can seek to move all of their coursework online by contacting their tutor and Head of Department, according to Trinity.