USI Issue Support For Two AIT Students Facing Deportation

The USI have issued a statement of support and solidarity to two Athlone IT students who are facing deportation.
Second year Social Care worker David and his wife Fortunate, who is part of the college's Access scheme, have been issued a deportation order to leave Ireland for September 2. Both David and Fortunate have spent four years in a Direct Provision centre since they arrived in Ireland, having "faced prosecution and violence before seeking asylum in Ireland".
The USI also took the opportunity to call for the abolition of Direct Provision in Ireland, as well as sending solidarity to the residents of the Caheersiveen Direct Provision centre. Resident of the centre are currently on hunger strike in order to bring attention to the rationing of food and water at the centre, as well as the poor living conditions of the Skellig Star Hotel.
The USI calls on Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee to immediately halt the deportation of the two students who faced prosecution and violence before seeking asylum in Ireland and the urgent abolishment of the oppressive system of Direct Provision.
Last week, Minister for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Roderic O’Gorman said he wanted to take the “meanness” out of Direct Provision. But USI believes the system is fundamentally racist and oppressive to asylum seekers and must be ended now and replaced with a humane system that values dignity over profit.
The Programme for Government commits to ending Direct Provision and not reformatting it or making it less mean.
These two events in the space of a week explicitly demonstrate why the Direct Provision system must be ended urgently.
If you would like to show your support and stop David and Fortunate's deportation, you can sign the petition here.