11 Struggles You'll Know If You've Ever Been On Bus Éireann

Most people who use Bus Eireann regularly have a love-hate relationship with the national bus company. One minute they can be getting you home and the next they're broken down, or never show up. One thing we can all agree on is the pain of catching the bus. Here's 11 Bus Eireann struggles you'll know all too well:
1. Always late...
2. No fucks given
3. Simpsons is always appropriate
"Luggage Doors Opperate" @Buseireann #BusEireann pic.twitter.com/dsiNBRLPfn
— Ireland Simpsons Fans (@iresimpsonsfans) January 17, 2017
4. The interview process is very intense
Sums it up really #BusEireann #Dublin pic.twitter.com/rROXWcH0y5
— Conall Laverty (@ConallLaverty) December 3, 2016
5. These buses belong in a museum
@Buseireann far cry from modern buses in BE ads. 5pm expressway from Dub to Limerick. How about refund #buseireann pic.twitter.com/Tt1TLL8BOJ
— Helen (@Ornum11) April 22, 2016
6. That feeling of relief
How I felt when no one sat next to me on the bus yday #buseireann #bus #travel pic.twitter.com/9U3yNj3QMA
— Cian Dalton (@DaltonCian) November 23, 2015
7. Waiting on youuuuu
Story of my life #buseireann pic.twitter.com/EpNmG1tzAN
— LadyPennyworth (@Lady_Pennyworth) December 16, 2015
8. 2/10 would never read again
Without a doubt, the best fiction I've ever read is the @Buseireann timetable. 5 mins becomes 20 mins. #buseireann #dublin
— Stíofán Ó Conaill (@swingking) January 30, 2017
9. Even the drivers have had enough
Traffic is so bad that my bus driver has given up and started reading a newspaper #buseireann pic.twitter.com/HjrV982HoQ
— Deany (@dekistorms) February 17, 2017
10. Never their problem
@Buseireann #buseireann My typical exchange with a driver. Terrible customer experience from a useless company #privatise #Limerick pic.twitter.com/YQbXlT20SZ
— Dr Paul O'Brien (@FearStairLmk) February 15, 2017
11. It's clearly our fault
When the bus is 20mins late and instead of apologising the driver gives you a dirty look & makes you put your guitar in the hold #buseireann
— Sive (@SiveMusic) February 16, 2017