
11 Disney Memes That We'll Never Stop Pissing Ourselves Laughing At

Disney memes are the king of all memes — fact. Anyone who doesn't agree can get off this site right now.

When broken down, the ridiculousness of Disney plot lines are really hilarious. With everything from realising there's a film about feelings having feelings, or finding a washed up mute girl on the beach and deciding you should marry her. Well, for that Disney we love you. Lets all laugh at the brilliance of Disney and how they can turn literally anything into a story.

1. The story lines just won't stop

2. That new denim jacket is calling me though

3. This was us all

4. Because Shang is the best Disney prince of them all

5. This hurts because it's true

6. This also applies in relation to being a princess


8. Because you don't win friends with salad

9. Best not to follow this advice

10. I cannot

11. Goodnight and god bless

Also Read: 12 Confusing Beauty And The Beast Plot Holes The Remake Fixed

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