23 Of The Most Romantic Movie Moments

We're feeling a little romantic today, so we thought we'd reminisce about some of our favourite romantic moments in some of the soppiest films of all time. Big AW... These on-screen moments are what we're expecting in the future; some of the best kisses in which our swoon-worthy male leads sweep their female co-stars off their feet. Two words. Yes. Please...
1. The Notebook
2. Love Actually
Okay, some people thought this was creepy but c'mon, it's ridiculously swoon worthy.
3. Bridget Jones's Diary
Two Words: Mark Darcy.
4. Breakfast At Tiffany's
Holly Golightly and Paul Varjak were meant to be and this kiss in the rain summed that up.
5. Dirty Dancing
There were too maNy moments to choose from but that lift in the water...sigh.
6. Ten Things I hate About You
There will never be a more romantic moment in high school than Heath Ledger dancing and singing in front of the entire quad.
7. Notting Hill
Nuff said.
8. Titanic
Romantic yes, but we're still not over Rose not moving the f*k over so she could save Jack. You'll never let go, psh...
9. The Holiday
Jude Law's finest moment, by a million miles.
10. When Harry Met Sally
The ultimate tale of two friends falling in love...the dream.
11. Romeo And Juliet
That first glimpse of one another....who knew a fish tank could be so romantic.
12. What If
A new one...but Harry Potter became quite the romantic lead.
13. Crazy Stupid Love
Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone have a ridiculous amount of chemistry. Can they do every film together please?!
14. Jerry Maguire
You had us at the first scene in the movie.
15. 500 Days Of Summer
A heartbreaker, but that IKEA scene lives on in our memories.
16. How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days
The yellow dress, the motorbike, learning to play bullshit with his family...
17. Clueless
Step brother be damned...they were meant to be!
18. Pretty Woman
The hooker with a heart of gold; the basis for all good love stories.
19. Sleepless in Seattle
The beginning of a beautiful relationship between Hanks and Ryan.
20. My Best Friend's Wedding
You always want what you can't have...
21. Silver Linings Playbook
Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper were sizzling on screen.
22. The Wedding Singer
Never would have pictured Adam Sandler as a romantic lead but this proved he could make us swoon with the best of them.
23. Harry Potter
Hermione and Ron forever. J.K. Rowling be damned.