5 Reasons Why College Is The Best Time Of Your Life
So you’ve just finished secondary school which you’ve been told plenty of times is ‘the best time of your life’. Sure who wouldn’t love never ending homework, moody teenagers and teachers constantly telling you to shut up? Next on the list is heading off to college and here’s 5 reasons why college is the best craic you’ll ever have:
1) Do whatever you want.
You are now an adult and no one can tell you get up, shut up or do your work. Tired? You sleep in and skip that lecture! Hungry? You can have leftover pizza for breakfast without anyone batting an eyelid. HEAVEN.
2) All the booze.
After a stressful day spent in the library looking at your never ending list of work to get done, what could be better than a nice pint of bulmers to wash away your worries. There are pubs galore and no it’s not a school night, Freshers and Rag week were made for going out on the lash every night!
3) You can be yourself.
Remember in secondary school when being different was weird? Well welcome to college where you can dress and look whatever way you want and no one gives a damn. Ah the freedom. (Except maybe wearing your pyjamas to college. That will guarantee a few weird looks unfortunately).
4) New friends
New housemates, new people in your course, college is ideal for making new friends. If you’re a bit shy there are so many clubs and societies to join. You’ll have the craic with these new pals for the next few years and if you’re lucky you might even make some lifelong best friends!
5) Cute boys (or girls)
Gone are the days when you had to go up to someone and ask them to shift your friend. College is the best time to experiment and although there’ll be plenty of heartbreaks and rejection, it’s also the best time to find out more about yourself and what you’re looking for in a partner, so go up to your crush and strike a conversation, maybe even ask for their number. Like the saying goes you never know until you try!