7 Tweets That Hilariously Show The Differences Between Teachers In Secondary School And College

The jump from secondary school to college can be an incredibly daunting one. For most of your time in school teachers will have been trying to instil respect into you; trying to maintain some kind of boundary with their students and telling you how difficult university will be and the kind of work that will be involved.
While some of this is true, in college, professors tend to be much more up front about everything and not trying to put on some facade. If they're hungover, they will let ya know. If they haven't prepared enough and want to end the class early, they will let you know. The hive mind of Twitter has been ploughing some of its creative juices into highlighting some of the differences between the approach of teachers in secondary school and that of college professors.
high school teacher: you can't know anything about my life
college prof: i have a drinking problem— t (@tjking1204) September 7, 2017
High school teacher: "Your professors won't tolerate you being on your phones."
College professor: "Hey guys tweet me!"
— emma (@emmanicolex27) September 7, 2017
high school teacher: "life is full of opportunities"
college professor: "life is difficult. people are wrong"
— Lily® (@_lilybug99) September 6, 2017
High School Teacher: I'm going to make this class difficult to prepare you for college.
College Professor: *plays slideshow full of memes*
— Clay Paris (@claysparis) September 7, 2017
High school teacher: "please excuse my language but *damn* I'm so tired today"
College Prof: "sorry that I'm not a FUCKING DICK"
— rach (@rachjac_) September 7, 2017
High school teacher: “College is so hard”
College Professor: “I woke up late so quiz is cancelled everyone got a 100 congratulations”— Ry? (@Ryan_5899) September 5, 2017
High school teacher: "There's still a minute left sit down!
College professor: "There's still 15 minutes left, but I'm done so bye."— Anthony Fontenot (@AJRapatron_Ant) August 29, 2017