
8 Celebrities You Didn't Realise Have No Eyebrows

Eyebrows are everything. Girls go crazy for eyebrows! But did you realise a lot of your favourite celebrities don't have eyebrows? It's really surprising actually. There's lots of famous people who just don't have 'em and you know what? More power to them.

Here's some 8 celebrities you didn't realise have no eyebrows that you thought you loved with eyebrows:

1. Emma Watson

Honestly how did we not notice this before? She is a child star. God we feel so silly.

2. Miley Cyrus

I came in like a wrecking ball - said Miley's razor to her eyebrows.

3. The Rock rocks the no eyebrow look.

4. A Lannister always pays his wax debts.

5. Katy Perry was said to have hated Russell's bald eyebrow area.

6. Daniel Radcliffe you look happy but we're not. Get some brows immediately.

7. It's too late now to say sorry Biebs.

8. Whoopi Goldberg hasn't ever had eyebrows, legit.

All images via CelebsWithNoEyebrows.com

Also read: 15 Celebrities You Didn't Realise Have Had Plastic Surgery

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.