12 Confusing Beauty And The Beast Plot Holes The Remake Fixed

There's no question that the original animated Beauty and the Beast is awesome, but it definitely did leave us with some questions. Like, why did the curse need to be broken by the Prince's 21st birthday? Or how come all the castle staff were cursed too? Thankfully, Disney's Beauty and the Beast plot holes have been fixed in the remake. Here's how:
Plot hole 1: If the objects have been stuck for 10 years (like they sing in "Be Our Guest"), and the spell needs to be broken by the prince's 21st birthday, why the feck was an 11-year-old cursed?
This has to be the most infuriating of the plot holes in the original. Even more confusing is the portrait that the Beast scratches, which shows a fully-grown man.
The curse began when the prince was an actual man (and an asshole at that). Makes sense!
Plot hole 2: If Belle hates Gaston, why does she let him into her house?
Belle swears blind she doesn't want to be with Gaston, yet lets him into her home so he can piss her off even more. #logic?
Belle ain't letting that playa in. She leaves him out in the cold like a boss.
Plot hole 3: How many actual staff can a castle have ('cause all the objects in the original are alive)?
In the original, all the objects in the castle are alive which makes no sense. That would mean he had thousands of staff... right?
In the remake, not everything is alive - in fact it's only a select few things like our mates Lumiere and Cogsworth.
Plot hole 4: How could Belle pick up the Beast and put him on her horse?
Unless Belle has intense upper body strength, how on earth could she have managed to chuck him on her horse when he gets hurt in the woods?
Belle makes that beast stand! She doesn't have time to waste and is already annoyed as it is, duh.
Plot hole 5: If the curse has been on the objects for 10 years-ish, how can Chip exist?!?!
Again, this 10 years thing was a real mistake for the original and it just makes no sense. Chip def sounds about 5 years old.
The remake never points out how long the objects have been stuck.
Plot hole 6: How did the villagers conveniently forget the castle was there, ya kno, in view?
It was always very weird how the villagers just forgot that the royals existed and that probably other people they knew (staff) had disappeared.
In the beginning of the remake, it's explained that the enchantress put a spell over the whole village and erased the prince and the staff from their memories.
Plot hole 7: Where is Belle's mum?
It was never addressed in the original why Belle only had a dad and tbh it was a bit sad (although Disney loves dem missing mum stories).
The Beast shows Belle his enchanted globe book (an awesome new addition) and takes her to the room where she was born. She finally finds out that her mum died from the plague and her dad had to flee. #feels
Plot hole 8: We actually know nothing about the Beast
Except that he's always angry and occasionally nice, oh and he can't really read.
We have a whole new beast who is nuanced, knows how to read (and has read all the books in the library, except the ones in Greek ;) ) and has a soft side from the beginning. He also doesn't have a fit when Belle leaves to help her dad, he just sings a sweet song instead. No, you're crying.
Plot hole 9: Why is there a huge book shop in the village if Belle's the only one who reads?
Everyone makes fun of Belle for reading, yet there's a huge af bookshop in the tiny village. If they hate reading so much... explain.
No more Belle on a ladder, swinging around a big library. Now she goes to a church and picks up a dusty book she's read a million times before.
Plot hole 10: Isn't Mrs Potts, um, a lil old to have a kid as young as Chip?
In the original, Mrs Potts' real life version is more grandmother-like than motherly...?
When Mrs Potts goes back to human form, she's suddenly Emma Thompson i.e. in her 40s. We feel better now.
Plot hole 11: Why does the last petal fall and then like 5 minutes later the Beast transform?
As a kid I always yelled at my mum to explain this part. If they were all getting anxious about the last petal falling before Belle said she was in love, then why the eff did it even matter when he'd transform anyway?
When the Beast is on his deathbed, the last petal falls as Belle sobs. But the Enchantress is there the whole time and witnesses the famous "I love you" line and decides that she'll let it slide.
Plot hole 12: How does Belle know how to dance immediately?
Not everyone's a born dancer, yo. And since Belle has no friends and only her dad to keep her company, how did she learn to dance like that?
Her dad taught her, she said. No more guessing for us! -breathes-
Extra note: The new Beast looks better than the prince after he transforms... amirite?
Extra extra note: IMO the remake was awesome (and better than the original #dontkillme)