"It'll Make You Pregnant": Chris Pratt's FB Post About Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Is Gas

The Guardians of the Galaxy come out in 2014 to critical acclaim and massive box office success. Chris Pratt has become an instant hero as both his character Star-Lord and as himself. The likability of Pratt continues with this brilliant post he created on Facebook where he gives us some alternative facts on the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2. Here are just a few of the comments/alternative facts from Chris Pratt's Facebook and it's all in his own words:
Rotten Tomatoes already has it at 234% fresh
#GotGVol2 will win every movie award AND about 39 Olympic gold medals in swimming, gymnastics, the skiiing event with the gun, x games, snowmobiling and everything
James Gunn (the writer and director of the GOTG films) will become President of the world
Everyone will get pregnant
Candy will fall from the sky
Dinosaurs will come back to life
Here is the post in its beautiful entirety:
Here are some of the best responses to Pratt's comments that made us lol:
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. will be released on April 28.