
The Definitive Guide For The Best Places To Have A Cry On Irish Campuses

Whether it's a break up, college stress or life just generally being an ass we all have those moments when we just need to have a cry. To have a good cry is to cleanse your soul and makes everything seem a little less stressful. Here's just some of the best places for you to have a cry on your campus:

1). The nap area in Trinity College

'Cause not all of us have that luxury!

2). The secret lake in UCD

The perfect cry on a sunny day!

3). The music practice rooms on the south campus of Maynooth. You'll need someone who studies music but the rooms are open 24/7

You can listen to some Adele and let those tears freely flow.

4). The labyrinth in DCU

It looks pretty and nobody is going to wonder why you're staring at the ground - you're overcome with artistic appreciation!

5). In the arms of your unrequited love from that elective class

I know it's kind of dramatic but, I mean, at least you'll know if they care!

6). Any college library during off peak season

You can cry in a book, the bathrooms, the reception desk or any space really. Nobody is going to be in that library if they don't have an assignment or exam in the next two weeks.

7). Literally anywhere 'cause nobody should have to keep that eye fountain in check #headspace

G'wan and let yourself have a good aul cry! Then afterwards call your best friend, parents or someone you trust to have a good aul bitch and moan.

We love you guys x

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