
Denim Brief-Style Shorts Costing €275, Are You Having A Laugh!

Now call me a prude but I'm a strong believer that your shorts should be longer than your vagina. Nobody told this clothing brand with their denim brief-style shorts. Y/Project is a Belgian designer Glenn Martens who worked under Jean Paul Gaultier and took the helm of Parisian unisex label Y/Project in 2013.

Viewing the brand's collection, it looks stylish and trendy, with pieces that would easily translate from the catwalk to high street, everything you would expect from a high-end Parisian brand.  All pieces except one. These denim shorts are a real head-scratcher. So as you can see, these "brief- style" shorts barely cover your arse cheeks. And, the price, how can you justify paying almost €300 for that little fabric.

The trends we see on the catwalk filter down to the high street, so it could only be a matter of time before these shorts are available in stores. Just in time for the Summer season. Each to their own, I am not one to judge. These short could be a major hit with the festival huns.

I personally like my feet comfortable and my arse cheeks covered and a surefire sign that I am in fact turning into an old lady.

If these shorts do appeal to you and you think €275 is a reasonable price, you can purchase these shorts here.

H/T: Her.ie

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