
A Father Ted Quote Inspired The Name Of A Dublin New Adult Shop

It's not every day that a business uses a Father Ted quote as its store name, but there might be a good reason why after residents in Phibsborough, in inner city Dublin, complained about a new 18+ shop to be erected (sorry) soon. "Ride Me Sideways", a Father Ted inspired adult store, is hoping to open on Berkeley Street, right next door to a pregnancy clinic and a Catholic Church.

A woman from the area told the Irish Sun, “I have two young children that go to a local ­national school who will have to walk by what I can only call filth every day. It’s right beside a church. This can not happen on our street. The people need to know what is ­happening and put a stop to this".

They may already have purchased the domain (Google it yourself if you really want to see it) but it seems Ride Me Sideways co-owner John Newman, said “nothing is set in stone” in regards to when the store will open.

Ah sure look, at least we have the quote immortalised:

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.