
The Greatest Showman, Bohemian Rhapsody and A Star Is Born Are Returning To Irish Cinemas This November!

It is undeniable that the song 'Shallow' was one of the most accomplished pieces of pop music released in 2018.

Go on try it, try deny it - you simply won't be able to.

This is a test that a friend recently tried on me. He challenged me to try point out any flaws within the song. When I opened my mouth to speak, he instantly sprang across the table, kicking my chicken tikka masala to the floor and pinned me against a wall, growling through gritted teeth, "You don't know what you're talking about mate. So why don't you drop it, yeah or I'll nut ya?" By this point his face was pressed right into mine so that our noses were touching and the waft of ginger coming off his hot breath, from the five slices of Jamaican cake he'd eaten, made my eyes water.

Well, let me tell you, any arguments you might have about the potential shortcomings of a song really fall by the wayside when dealing with a character like that. Also when I say 'friend' I perhaps mean 'man at a neighbouring table in the cafe I was eating in'. Since then I suppose 'plaintiff' and 'defendant' would be the most apt words to describe our relationship.

Gross and unreasonable threats of violence to my person aside, his point was a good one. Shallow is an astounding song that builds brilliantly to an ascendant chorus and there is no denying its popularity.

Well, should you have any driving need to listen to this song again, not in the comfort of your own home, but surrounded by strangers, then have we got some news for you. As part of Omniplex's #BringItBack... By Popular Demand November series, A Star Is Born will be returning to Irish cinemas from November 8-14.

As well as this Bohemian Rhapsody will also be returning between 22-28 November, and The Greatest Showman will be making its way to screens - almost  two years after it was released - on 29 November to 5 December.

Tickets for these films are slightly cheaper than normal cinema tickets, costing €7.

Also Read: Lidl Are Selling 6 Bottles Of Prosecco For The Price Of 4 This Weekend!

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