
How To De-Stress And Sort Out Your Pathetic Life During Exam Season

Ah, it's that time of year again – exam season. If you're wondering how to de-stress before exams, welcome. You're probably cramming like your life depends on it, crying at your desk or even planning on dropping out.

Ah, now that's a bit dramatic, but you're probably stressed to bits. If you're in need of a little TLC and want some actually real advice on how to de-stress you've come to the wrong place. What we can provide for you is a load of shite advice to make you laugh at your sad life at the mo.

Here's a few (ahem) tips to help you at this sensitive time.

1. Study

Instead of freaking out about how much work you have to do, get started and feckin' study. Whip out a book, highlight loads of stuff and scrape a pass.

2. Meditate

Close your eyes, breathe in deeply and ball your eyes out. Open your eyes, smash up your desk with a sledgehammer, apologise to your Mam, cry again and put on some meditation music – repeat.

3. Exercise

Head on over to the gym which cost you €300 and you've attended once, and move your ass. Make sure not to trip on the treadmill and embarrass yourself, or do and result back to crying.

4. Head to the library

Let's be honest no one can study at home. Head to the library, be amongst humans, and try to redeem yourself.

5. Stop drinking every night of the week

Drowning your sorrows isn't going to help you pass final year, hun. Lay off the gargle while you're studying and breathe.

6. Make notes

Highlight every page of your textbook, put it on post-it notes and hopefully you'll retain some of the information.

7. Breathe

Chill out and remember that as long as you actually make use of the points listed above you should actually pass. After all, college isn't all fun and games you need to study as well as go out – duh.

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