How To Organise Your Clueless Manic Life Before Christmas Exams

College can seem like a breeze most of the time. It involves socialising, drinking at the student bar and the odd essay, but nothing too stressful. Until the first bump of the year occurs; Christmas exams.
Nothing says college like waiting until the last minute and having to cram an entire semester in a few weeks, sometimes hours. So, if you find yourself in this daunting situation, we've compiled a list of tips on how to organise your manic life before the dreaded exams begin.
1. Try studying
Instead of stressing out over how much you have to study and go on Facebook to look at memes, open a bloody book. Getting started is better than nothing, so come on – do something!
2. Put on a mindfullness podcast
They've been proven to help tackle stress and can help you realise that your world is not crumbling around you and if you study, you might actually pass.
3. Stop watching 6 hours of Netflix
Although watching Gossip Girl on repeat may seem like a more appealing activity, it wont pass your exam. Get up off your arse and study.
4. Hit up the library
Some people find that studying at home can cause distraction. (ahem, Netflix) By heading to the library you'll be shamed into studying by seeing other furiously typing around you.
5. Make a folder for your notes
There's nothing more satisfying than colour coding your notes in a ring binder. Everything will be organised and easy to locate and people will think you've your shit together.
6. Give Coppers a miss
It will be there when the exams are over, don't worry.
7. Exercise
By putting on your running shoes and going on that much needed jog you'll release endorphins which are natural stress-busters. Plus you look like you need it...
8. Try making a study group
By hooking up with your class mates you might learn some things you wouldn't of known otherwise. Plus, you get a bit of socialising to boot.
9. Finally...realise a study group is a shit idea and lock yourself in your room
It was never going to work after you started discussing if you fancy Eddie Redmayne or not.
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