
How To Not Look Sh*t In Your Selfies

Who would have thought that in 2014 that images would play such an important part in our lives. They say a picture says a thousand words- but what does a picture say when you've applied multiple filter/ effects and edits ? Does it say more?

Here's a guide to how not to look shit in your photos:

1)Photoshop The Shit Out Of Them

Nobody needs to know you're a scrawny little weed.   With the help of photoshop you can make yourself much stronger. I mean look at these tanks:

2) Edit Yourself A New Girlfriend/Boyfriend

Nobody needs to know that you cry yourself to sleep at night because of loneliness. Get yourself a new girlfriend/boyfriend with magic of editing..

3) Edit Your Assets..

Give yourself (half) a boob job. Small boobs be gone.

4) Stand Beside People Less Attractive Then Yourself

It's all a matter of perspective guys..

5) Apply A Grotesque And Distracting Frame To Distract People From Your Face

Just kidding, nothing can distract from that face.

6) Two Words. Clip Art.

There is nothing more realistic that you can add to your photos. This girl has transformed herself into a unicorn.

7) Edit Yourself Thin..

So pro-fesh and no gym fees..

8) Duck Face

Ahh the duckface.. Why look natural when you can look like a duck?!?

9) Take A Load of Gym Selfies

Show people how much you work out. Photoshop in heavier weights to show people how dedicated you are.

10) And For God's Sake Make Sure There's Nothing In The Background..

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Therese Walsh is a recent graduate of University College Dublin with the entirely employable degree of English and music. She enjoys the facts on the inside of snapple caps and writing mini biographies.