Miley Cyrus - Tongue-Tied: Feminist Statement or Sexual Objectification?
So, like with any half-way controversial story in the media lately (*cough Elastic Heart *cough), people are seeing this as a rampant visual representation of oversexualized objectification of women in the music industry. To those people, I respectfully disagree. A spokesperson for the festival stated: “We hoped the film...would create a bigger discourse around art, sexuality, gender and pornography,” and I believe that it has the potential to do just that. Cyrus has proven time and time again that she is 1) proud of her body and 2) loves showing it off and 3) is having fun.
Why should we demonize her for using her body the way she wants to? It's her body, she should get to do what she likes with it. To be honest, if any leaked nude photos of her were leaked, would anyone even bat an eyelid? No, because she has taken complete control of her body. Maybe she's just looking for attention and maybe that's not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. She is using her body how she wants to, in that view this video is a feminist statement. Does that mean that people won't get off on it, or see her as solely a sexual object? Maybe not, but do you think Cyrus really cares what we all think? She's out to enjoy herself and I say more power to her (plus, she can't stop and she won't stop). I love the video (bar the cross-tapped nipples, that's just a personal preference on my part). I think it's a beautiful piece of art. But, this is the internet so let's hear your opinions on the matter...