People Have Been Photoshopping Mr. Bean Into Things And We Can't Handle It

Mr. Bean is one of the most iconic TV characters of all time. He made us laugh with just his teddy and barely any dialogue at all.
His face is as recognisable as the Queen's, and the good people of the internet have decided to use his face for our viewing pleasure. People have been photoshopping his face onto famous film characters, classic paintings and even Justin Bieber. The result of all of these is hilarious and every single photo is laugh-out-loud funny.
We recommend leaving the room because you won't be able to handle some of these.
1. Jack Sparrow Bean
2. Mona Bean
3. Lady Bean
4. Wolverine Bean
5. Justin Bieber Bean
6. Harry Potter Bean
7. Avatar Bean
8. Borat Bean
9. Indiana Bean
10. Pulp Fiction Bean
11. Lord of the Rings Beans
Also Read: How To Make Perfect Fluffy Pancakes Every Time
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