This Goth Woman Brought Her Pet Raven On The Subway And People Are Loving It

It's not every day you see someone sitting across from you with a pet raven on the train. Sure, we've all had some bizarre experiences on the DART, but nothing like this.
This image of a goth woman sitting on the subway nonchalantly with a huge raven has gone viral. Note the casualness of it all. She's just staring down, minding her own business, with a large black bird perched on her lap. What makes the whole thing even more bizarre is the bird has a leash. Yes, you heard us right, it's that domesticated the feckin' thing is being treated like a dog.
Of course, Reddit users were quick to come up with funny comments like these 'quotes the raven' thread;
Other people on Twitter were just gobsmacked at the bizarreness of it all;
I like to think that inside the bag is a new pair of Disney Princess pajamas, because we contain multitudes.
— Jedi McBeardface (@TripleDaddy) April 29, 2017
Regardless, it's really not something you see on the regular. What's next? Owls on the Luas? A swarm of bees on Dublin bus? An alligator on the DART? Who even knows anymore.
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