Read The Hilarious Messages A Mam Sends Her Son After Finding 'Drugs' In His Room

It's not often that a simple cup of tea could get you in such hot water...
Possibly the most random story in recent times, Twitter user Ben Giffen revealed that his Mam was convinced he was doing drugs after finding an open tea bag in his bedroom.
After finding the commonplace household item tucked away in his drawer Ben's Mam, Fiona, sent him a string of messages confusing the tea bags tea leaf contents as a drug:
When I’m losing my car over a tea bag she thought was weed... sorry mum
— Ben Giffen (@bengiffenmusic) April 24, 2018
Hilariously, the mother asked for the son to not make a "mug" out of her and the irony did not go over everyone's head:
Was ‘don’t treat me like a mug’ intentional??
— Joe Hirst (@JoeHirst97) April 25, 2018
Good job she didn't find your Oxo cubes
— nick power (@nickyjpower) April 26, 2018
Finding his Mams reaction hilarious, Ben tweeted that he did not want his Mam being sent any hate but did reveal that he might lose his car privileges.
??Please no one send any nasty messages to my Mum
— Ben Giffen (@bengiffenmusic) April 26, 2018
The messages have been shared over four thousand times on Twitter since Tuesday and we'd love to find out Fiona's reaction to the news. It's unclear why Ben decided to store food in his bedroom but we can't help think this was all a little bit of a storm in a teacup.