11 Reasons To Drop Out Of College And Become Rihanna

Let us be real, a lot of times college can be a bit of a snooze fest. If it wasn't for daily trips to the student bar or dreaming of the summer months we'd be in a right state. Sometimes it's nice to imagine what would life be like on the other side - would it be any greener though? Lets, hypothetically, pretend life would be better if we dropped out of college and became Rihanna - anything is possible right? Should Rihanna college be a thing?
1). She is risky AF with her fashion and not afraid to laugh about it
2). She could school the world about shade
3). She knows how to pre-drink in style
4). She owned Piers Morgan
“@piersmorgan: ps I think @Rihanna needs to grow her hair back. Fast.” grow a dick..... FAST!!!!
— Rihanna (@rihanna) September 9, 2012
5). She's not afraid to speak her mind
Disgusted! The news is devastating! America is being ruined right before our eyes! What an immoral pig you have to be to implement such BS!!
— Rihanna (@rihanna) January 29, 2017
6). She'll smoke a blunt if she feels like it
7). She knows how to exercise self control when the shit gets real
— Rihanna (@rihanna) May 22, 2014
8). She's basically the Credit Union
9). She can never be too extra
10). She gets her fans to sing so she can sit back and be chill
11). 'Cause she made it to Harvard without going to college #hairflip
We can always dream.