Selena Gomez's New Haircut Photo Is On Track To Set An Instagram Record

Selena Gomez is the most followed person on Instagram in the world with 118 million followers. To put that in perspective, nearly 1/3 of population of the USA are fans. Jaysus. So this next story shouldn't really be a surprise: Selena Gomez's new haircut photo is on track to become one of the most liked photos on the social platform:
In just 20 short hours at the time of writing, Selena's new bob has got 3.7 million likes, about a third of the way to Beyonce's 10.9 million likes for her Mother Mary-inspired twin announcement.
Only a week ago, Selena posted this photo with The Weeknd (i.e. v.v. controversial) which now is the up there amongst the most liked photos on Insta, with 7.2 million likes, or roughly the population of Hong Kong:
What is this world coming to? I do not know.
And if you can't get enough of Selena Gomez, here's a slightly cringeworthy interview with Vogue from last month: