Man Fined For Singing "Everybody Dance Now" Too Loudly In His Car

In the film Footloose they banned dancing, to the absolute consternation of Kevin Bacon, well, in Montreal they appear to have banned the singing of C+C Music Factory's "Everybody Dance Now". It is yet to be seen whether Kevin Bacon will take a similarly proactive approach in trying to overturn this law as he did with those in Footloose.
A man, a Canadian man, by the name of Taoufik Moalla was serenely driving along, exercising his god-given right to sing along to kitsch 90's music when he was pulled over by police. He said that the windows of his car were rolled up while he was blasting his jams, so he presumed he would not be disturbing other drivers or pedestrians, yet when he was pulled over the police asked him why he was screaming.
According to the Montreal Gazette, he then informed them, that what the police presumed to be the deranged screams of a man in pain was in fact simply a heartfelt cover of one of the most bombastic jams of modern times.
Unmoved by this admission however they issued him with an on the spot fine. However he has said he will fight against this fine.