
Here Are 8 Things You Missed In The World While You Were Doing Exams

During exam season most students can be likened to a bear in hibernation. You tend to sleep whenever possible, not go out and put on blinders when it comes to what's happening in the world.

Now that you're slowly emerging from your anti-social state, you probably have no idea what's been going on in the world over the last three weeks. We've decided to round up only the most important news stories, so you won't be the laughing stock at that internship you're starting.

1. Chelsea Manning was released from prison

The US army private who was jailed for giving classified material to Wikileaks, was released from prison after just seven years of her 35-year sentence. She also posted a glam new picture to her Twitter account.

2. Katy from Fair City is STILL in that cell

RTÉ even had enough notions to make a 360-degree video, so viewers can feel what it's actually like for Katy to "live" there.

3. North Korea have carried out another missile test

North Korea tried out an intermediate-range ballistic missile over the weekend with plans to target the United States. Leader Kim Jong-un supervised the test and is now happy to start producing the missiles on a mass level.

4. Justin Trudeau photobombed a group of Canadian students' prom picture

While on a run along the Stanley Park Seawall, a group of students getting prom pictures taken were shocked to see their Prime Minister running by them. He, of course, obliged to a photo with the students because that's how sound he really is.

5. Ontario, Canada made abortion pills free for u25s

The province of Ontario made all prescription medication including abortion pills free for under 25s. It will cover the 4,400-plus drugs included in the Ontario Drug Benefit Program such as antibiotics, asthma inhalers, diabetes medication, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder medication. It'll be launching on January 1, 2018.

6.  An Irish boy got a fidget spinner shaved into his head

Need proof?

7. Enda Kenny stepped down as leader of Fine Gael

Enda decided to call it a day and step down as leader of the party. At the moment, Minister Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney are battling it out to become the leader and eventually, Taoiseach.

8. Finally...Michael D. Higgins chatted to a lad with a budgie on his shoulder

While in his native Galway, Michael D decided to stop and have a chat with a man at Salthill. What made the whole encounter even better was the fact the lad Michael D was talking to had a budgie on his shoulder.

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