A Selection Of The Strangest Eurovision Entries Ever

Today marks 63 years since the first ever Eurovision was held in Lugano, Switzerland. Seven countries submitted two songs, and the competition was won by the host nation Switzerland. There's been plenty of mad stuff in the contest over the years, so here's some of the standouts
Netta - Toy (Israel 2018)
I'm going to say something controversial here, I think this is an absolute banger. Everyone hated this last year, but I can't understand why. Catchy tune, the weird noises are entertaining, and Netta can belt with the best of them. Granted it's really weird. Dancing is odd, so is the fact that those gold cats are everywhere, but it does not change the fact that this is a flat out bop. A very worthy winner in my eyes.
Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (Finland 2006)
The only rock band to win Eurovision, Lordi blew away the competiton back in 2006. Song itself is standard enough metal, but they get a spot here for their incredible costumes and staging. A blast from the fun side of Scandinavia
Dustin the Turkey - Irlande Douze Pointe (Ireland 2008)
Don't really know what to say about this to be honest
Zdob si Zdub - So Lucky (Moldova 2011)
Moldova have a bit of a track record with strange stuff. This is a fun combination of Balkan music, pop and rock. Cone hats, and young wan on unicycle round it out. This was Zdob si Zdub's second run at Eurovision, having competed in 2005.
Pirates of the Sea - Wolves of the Sea (Latvia 2008)
Upsettingly catchy number from the Latvians this. Gloriously cringey.
Dschinghis Khan - Genghis Khan (West Germany 1979)
This is like if Abba wrote a song about the most notorious warlord in history Decent enough to be fair.
Buranovskiye Babushki - Party For Everybody (Russia 2012)
This was a bit of a laugh at least
Rodolfo Chikilicuatre - Baila El Chiki Chiki (Spain 2008)
2008 was really a smashing year. Another belter here. Middle aged man in bad wig plays with children's toy and dances around attractive women. How far wrong could you go?
Honorable Mention: Winny Puhh - Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti (Estonia)
It must be said, this song didn't actually make it to Eurovision. It nearly won Estonia's Eurosong equivalent back in 2013, and you can see why. Metallic singlets, hairy faces, screaming. Majestic stuff. You gotta love Eastern Europe.
Hopefully we'll get back to the weirdness next year.