The 17 Best Tweets About The Toy Show So Far

The Late Late Toy Show is one of the most watched pieces of television in the Irish calendar year. This year in particular has had some spectacular performances and some seriously gas moments to boot.
So far, we've experienced Tubs grope a creepy sausage 'Bop It' toy and a child literally flew in the bloody air – you just can't make this stuff up. However, the nation has take to Twitter to comment on every last mistake, comment from Tubridy and of course, the kids in their hilarious honesty.
We've rounded up the witty, the heartfelt and down-right hilarious tweets from Irish people around the globe.
A wild Dermot Bannon appears #LateLateToyShow
— Aoife Jacob (@Aoife_Jacob) December 2, 2016
I can literally hear the producers yelling CAN SOMEONE GET A FECKIN CAMERA ON THE FECKIN LEGO LADS COME ON NOW #LateLateToyShow
— Chloë O'Hara (@Chloeoee) December 2, 2016
How drunk is Ryan Tubridy #LateLateToyShow
— barry kelly (@the_lil7) December 2, 2016
I do enjoy how #LateLateToyShow brings us together as a nation to mock the almerciful piss out of dancing children
— The Maybe Film Critic (@FilmCriticMaybe) December 2, 2016
Mam: Jaysus, she's cracked. She had smarties or something before she came on #LateLateToyShow
— Darragh Culhane (@DarraghCulhane) December 2, 2016
Ryan finally puts on a jumper, it wouldn't have taken gaybo 40 minute #LateLateToyShow
— Sean O' Shea (@SeaniieOShea) December 2, 2016
Future phone hacker is our Alfie #LateLateToyShow
— Chloe Knowles (@Chlo_waaay) December 2, 2016
*#LateLateToyShow comes back on*
Ryan Tubridy is covered in blood screaming "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CUT TO A COMMERCIAL"— Ryan Cullen (@RyanCullen90) December 2, 2016
Oh jesus christ, BOTTLE this child and sell him as a hangover cure #LateLateToyShow
— DailyEdge (@dailyedge) December 2, 2016
RTE are sad to announce @DustinOfficial's final ever appearance on the #LateLateToyShow
— Baz (@bazlyons) December 2, 2016
You know we applied for you to go on that years ago but we heard nothing back. You hadn't much interest in dancing. #LateLateToyShow
— Irish Mammies (@irishmammies) December 2, 2016
— Chloe Knowles (@Chlo_waaay) December 2, 2016
Also Read:
14 Things You're Guaranteed To See On The Late Late Toy Show