There's A Sing-Along Version Of Bohemian Rhapsody Coming To Irish Cinemas!

Freddie Mercury was undoubtedly one of the greatest singers in the history of modern rock. You, undoubtedly are not. Yet is that sufficient reason to stop you attempting to replicate the awe-inspiring breadth of vocal range exhibited by the frontman of Queen? Ordinarily, yes. However, for the purposes of this article, no, no it is not.
There is a special sing-along version of the Rami Malek fronted Freddie Mercury biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody, that will be released in selected Irish cinemas. This provides an unrivalled opportunity for you to either amiably amuse or infuriate the person you are sitting beside at one of these screenings - depending on how they feel about hearing Queen songs sung badly at a very, very high volume.
Bohemian Rhapsody, despite being greeted by a largely tepid critical response was lauded for Rami Malek's performance as the late Mercury. Indeed, the film has currently grossed over $600 million at box office and has received two Golden Globe nominations.
Among the cinemas showing the special sing-along version of the film are Cineworld, the Light House and The Stella Theatre. Check out the full list of screenings here.