TV characters We'd Like To Be Our Friends

1) Barney Stinson

Contrary to how to the rest of the gang treat him, he's one hell of a man who deserves more attention and praise for his accomplishments. In a group full of drips he tries to encourage activity and adventure. I for one wouldn't mind a friend of mine offering to pay for a spontaneous trip to Vegas with strippers, booze and first class tickets to an amazing event.

 3) Alec Baldwin in Friends

Sometimes you just need an optimists view.


4) Josiah Bartlet

Who wouldn't want to be buds with POTUS (President Of The United States). How could being being mates with basically the president of the world not be beneficial. Also he looks like a older not drug ravaged Charlie Sheen who's fluent in Latin.

5) Daenerys Targaryen

SHE's GOT DRAGONS and is perfectly cool with being bollock naked amongst friends.

6) Cousin Skeeter

He's black.He's a puppet (which no one ever cares to comment on) and always has your back.

 7) Spike

He's got a great sense of humour, greater hair and the greatest leather jacket ever to grace children's entertainment. Also unlike other vampires. I'm looking at you Angel. He doesn't spend all his time tormented by his past and bitching about his soul.

8) Frank Underwood

There's something admirable about a  man who's able to screw someone over so entirely without them ever realising and then comforting them afterwards. Best to have this guy on your side.

9) Hank Scorpio

He knows how to multi-task between friendship and world domination.

10) Dee Reynolds

Every group needs a punching bag.

11) Nick

Nick is the perfect friend to compare your life against, to make you feel like your freakin' Zuckerberg because no matter how bad your future prospects are. They will never be as bad as this guys.

12) Harvey Specter

A blend of Frank and Barney gives you Harvey. He can own anyone at everything and isn't above rubbing it in their inferior face.  A good quote to describe Harvey is "Your so money and you don't even know it" except in Harvey's case he is fully aware of how money he is.

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