Twitter Users Are Sharing Their Most Bizarre Secondary School Stories And It's Mental

Every school has a scandal of some sort in their history. In my school a teacher was arrested for the importing and distribution of illegal bushmeat, I know that the memory of his transgression continues to eat away at the fabric of the school community - like some sort of vast moth made of guilt - it is the telltale heart whose every beat echoes the school's collective shame.
Well, one Twitter user, put it to the world for people to weigh in with whatever 'incidents' were notorious from their schools and the results don't disappoint.
What was “the incident” in your high school?
— Katie Notopoulos (@katienotopoulos) December 26, 2017
A father faked his son’s death for the life insurance money and the school had to put bumper stickers over the memorial page in the yearbook after we found out that he was still alive and just transferred to a different school.
— andrew lavelle (@andrewlavelle11) December 26, 2017
A history teacher dated and impregnated a senior. He kept his job, she transferred and gave birth. They married, divorced, and she became a history teacher in that same school. All within 4 years.
— Black Снегу́рочка (@CandaceMQZ) December 26, 2017
A few seniors stole the large wooden carving of our mascot as a prank. Turned out to be a very valuable piece of art so they panicked and buried it in a marsh. ?
— Kelsi Pederson (@itskelsiwithani) December 26, 2017
James Allen locked himself in the a/v closet and put porn on all the TVs in the hallways and the teachers couldn’t turn it off and had to block the TVs with their bodies
— Max Read (@max_read) December 26, 2017
The thread is a bottomless well of insanity. Explore for yourself.