Watch: 50 Facts You Didn't Know About Game Of Thrones

The end may be just over the horizon for Game of Thrones, but the popular HBO show is full of trivia and facts that can fascinate viewers as well as make them laugh. YouTube channel The Why have recently uploaded a video with 50 Game Of Thrones facts.
In the video fans of the show can learn how Lena Headey (Cersei) and Jerome Flynn (Bronn) went through such a bad breakup that it was written into their contracts that they would not have to film with each other. Fans of the show are well aware of Ed Sheeran's recent cameo, but he was not the first musician to do so. Coldplay drummer Will Champion made a cameo in 'The Red Wedding' and heavy metal band Mastodon played wildings who are murdered and brought back as White Walkers.
The video also touches on the colossal scale of the production of the show. For the Battle of the Bastards scene when John Snow and Ramsey Bolton finally fight, it took 600 crew and 500 extras 25 days to film the entire scene. In terms of budget Game of Thrones had $5m to $6m at the beginning but now operates on a budget of $10m per episode due to its popularity.
Oh, and one fact that will get your hopes up is that apparently four spin-off series are being explored by HBO but realistically only one of them (if any) will be picked up and produced.
Hopefully there are more Game of Thrones facts videos on the way.