What Is Going On With Kylie Jenner's Lips?!

What do you think of when you hear the name Kylie Jenner? For most of us the first thing that comes to mind is her lips. Obviously. The teen has admitted in the past to having them done, and they do look incredibly different now to what they were a few years ago. We happen to think Kylie was gorgeous before all the surgery but to each their own.
Well Kylie has started all sorts of rumours after posting a picture to her instagram of her new lips flying away, with the caption "Fly away my friend."
Having mentioned a mere few weeks ago that she was over big lips, could this mean that Kylie wants to go for a more natural look? Tbh, we really hope she does. Girl is starting to look far too old for her age!
She hasn't posted any face on pictures on her Insta since this, so we can't help but wonder if the next tim we catch a glimpse of Kylie she look more like her old self...
Video: Kylie Jenner Admits She Has Lip Fillers
Credit: ClevverNews.